DiagnóstiQA was established in 2007 with a vocation for specialized technical consultancy, which promotes innovative ideas in order to offer inspection services, quality assurance, supervision and technical consultancy to companies in the industrial sector in the fields of safety, reliability and efficiency of its facilities, equipment and processes. This continues to be the case today, demonstrating it day by day with the technical rigor in the performance of the work and the proven technical competence of the professionals who carry it out.

The company’s culture is founded on the fact that the business project is based on the products and services offered in the company’s portfolio and on their future development and not as a merely financial project. DiagnóstiQA has a vocation for durability over time and the growth of turnover is not a value in itself, but only to the extent necessary to ensure its financial stability and sustainability.

The relationship of the company’s promoters is based on principles of absolute mutual trust. In the same way with the professionals who integrate it, promoting in DiagnóstiQA a professional and human framework in which they develop growing skills and feel properly remunerated, which encourages professional self-responsibility and mutual commitment in the long term and which is characterized by a working environment of trust and teamwork and compatible with the needs of reconciliation of personal life. Extending these relationships to collaboration with independent professionals or partners that enrich the development and technical competence of the services offered.

DiagnóstiQA has the vocation to establish relationships based on trust with its clients, in which the medium and long term prevails over the mere punctual contract, adopting systematics that guarantee the supervision of the work, the evaluation and treatment of complaints and client satisfaction.

We understand the fruits of the company’s work as a positive contribution to society, in addition to those inherent in the fulfillment of its legal obligations.

The values of DiagnóstiQA:

  • Rigor and usefulness
  • Restlessness and tenacity
  • Human development
  • Curiosity and knowledge
  • Autonomy and responsibility
  • Fair and market remuneration



Aligned with the company’s raison d’être, its culture and values and its strategic direction, an integrated management system has been implemented since its foundation, which combines aspects of quality, environment, prevention and social responsibility. The highest level document of the System, the Management System Policy is approved by the General Management:

Management System Policy

On the other hand, DiagnóstiQA is committed to the implementation of international standards of recognized prestige for the definition of its Management System and its certification by accredited third parties.


DiagnóstiQA’s Management System is designed in accordance with the requirements established by the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard applicable to all activities. It is certified by AENOR with the following scope: “Technical consulting services, technical assistance, supervision, inspection, diagnosis, non-destructive testing and metallographic studies for the energy and industrial sector in the field of safety, reliability and efficiency of its facilities, equipment and processes”.

Company Registration Certificate ER-0546/2008

Annex Registration Certificate

Likewise, and for work performance, the System complies with the requirements of prestigious international standards.

Non Destructive Testing

The performance of Non Destructive Testing work complies with the requirements established in the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard “General requirements for the technical competence of testing and calibration laboratories”. DiagnóstiQA has obtained the following accreditation by the National Accreditation Entity ENAC:

Accreditation no. 1019/LE1988

The scope of accredited tests is included in the current Technical Annex:

Technical Annex Rev. 10 de 02/02/2024

  • Quality assurance in the Nuclear Sector

The activities performed for the Nuclear Sector comply with the requirements of standard UNE 73401:1995 “Quality assurance at nuclear facilities”. Our system is periodically audited by clients in the nuclear sector to check its compliance with the requirements of this standard and to maintain its certification as a supplier for inspection services in the factory and at nuclear power plants and for mechanical, electrical and instrumentation and control technical assistance and supervision services.

CNAT homologation nº IE-CNAT-420-4


DiagnóstiQA is committed to sustainable development through the protection of the environment, the mitigation of impacts and potentially adverse effects and the improvement of environmental performance. To this end, its Management System is designed in accordance with the requirements established by the UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 standard applicable to all activities and certified by AENOR.

Environmental Management Certificate GA-2008/0240

On the other hand, at DiagnóstiQA’s Work Centers, efficient management of energy supplies and uses is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the UNE-EN ISO 50001:2018 standard on “Energy management systems”.

DiagnóstiQA evaluates its Environmental Performance and therefore monitors, measures and analyzes it. A summary of the organization’s environmental performance is issued annually.

Environmental performance of DiagnóstiQA Consultoría Técnica, S.L


One of the main concerns of the company is to ensure safety in work performance and in the use of our facilities. People represent the most important asset and therefore appropriate preventive measures are adopted to ensure their safety and health, with emphasis on training and information.

Also included in the DiagnóstiQA Management System is the system for compliance with the legal requirements for the prevention of occupational hazards. In order for this integration to be effective, ISO 45001:2018 “Occupational health and safety management systems” is taken as a reference and internationally recognized standard.

Certificado del Sistema de Gestión Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo SST-0047/2023


Within the commitments in relation to Corporate Social Responsibility, DiagnóstiQA is since April 30, 2013 a signatory entity of the United Nations Global Compact and therefore has assumed the 10 Principles of the Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labor Standards, Environment and Anti-Corruption and committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Certificate of adherence to the Global Compact Network

Every year DiagnóstiQA publishes its annual Social Responsibility Report.

Annual Social Responsibility Report

In relation to these aspects, the Ethics and Compliance Committee is constituted, an autonomous body subject to the Shareholders’ Meeting and the company’s Administrative body, whose mission is to ensure good business practices and responsible values of its members or collaborators and proactive in monitoring the commission of crimes. So that it helps to ensure compliance with legal requirements, guidelines and commitments of DiagnóstiQA (Decalogue, Policies, Professional Commitment) and the requirements voluntarily accepted as the 10 Principles of the Global Compact and others agreed with other stakeholders (customers, suppliers, evaluating bodies) and to convey internally and to society the ethical commitment of the company. Any person or interested party may contact the Ethics and Compliance Committee to communicate any question through the e-mail canal.denuncias@diagnostiqa.com.

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