
Supplier Evaluation

We inform you that DiagnóstiQA carries out control and monitoring of its suppliers in accordance with the provisions of our integrated Management System according to UNE-EN ISO 9001, UNE-EN ISO 14001 and UNE-EN ISO 45001. The aspects of “Adequacy” of the product or service with what is required, “Quality/Price” relationship and “Term” of execution of the service or supply of the product are assessed, which include, among others, environmental and safety and health at work aspects. An evaluation of the supplier is carried out annually in order to determine its continuity in the relationship of accepted suppliers. DiagnóstiQA will report in relevant cases negative evaluations due to aspects assessed as unsatisfactory.

Guide of Good Environmental Practices

DiagnóstiQA, in its commitment to environmental protection, has implemented in all its facilities and services an Environmental Management System according to UNE-EN ISO 14001. The attached guide of good environmental practices is applicable in the execution of activities at DiagnóstiQA facilities, and in the supply of orders that may have an environmental impact. For any questions about this, please contact the Director of Audit and QHSE, who will inform you of the requirements to be met in the performance of work from an environmental point of view.

Good Enviromental Practices Guide

Occupational Health and Safety Requirements (SST)

Likewise, the supplier assumes the commitment to comply with legal obligations regarding SST. In the case of supply of equipment and PPE, it will provide its file, instruction manual in Spanish and evidence of compliance with the CE marking. In the case of contracting services, it will have the relevant legal authorizations for its provision and will comply at all times with the requirements derived from Law 31/1995 on the Prevention of Occupational Risks and, in particular, when appropriate the Coordination of Business Activities (CAE) undertakes to provide the information requested to carry it out effectively and comply with Royal Decree 171/2004 that develops said CAE.

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