
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

DiagnóstiQA, aware that energy efficiency and sustainability are two fundamental pillars for both the industrial and service sectors, has been involved for years in disseminating EFFICIENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION, one of the great challenges of the globalized welfare society that forms part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promoted by the United Nations.

Any energy efficiency and sustainability measure requires a prior plan and monitoring. First of all, the initial situation of the company must be assessed, and then the data obtained must be analyzed in order to define which costs can be directly eliminated and which can be reduced or replaced by other more sensible and sustainable ones.

Throughout this process, there are several milestones in which DiagnóstiQA can support its clients to create new opportunities and achieve the energy efficiency and sustainability objectives that any environmentally conscious company wants to achieve.


  • Management of subsidies
  • Energy efficiency training and consultancy
  • Technical assistance for energy solutions
  • Analysis of data obtained from energy consumption monitoring
  • Energy audits according to standard UNE-EN 16247
  • Carbon footprint calculation

• Industrial
– Automotive
– Pharmaceutical
– Chemical
– Food industry
• Service sector
– Hotel – Hospital – Logistics 


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    You can also call us on +34 917 081 650
    or send us an email to info@diagnostiqa.com
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